Marina Katava
computational biophysics
In preparation
2. Dissipation accompanying information creation in biological systems
(with G Stirnemann)
1. Chromatin looping role in the spread of epigenetic markers
(with D Thirumalai)
Journal articles
8. Chromatin dynamics controls epigenetic domain formation
M Katava, G Shi, D Thirumalai
Biophysical Journal, 121(15), 2895-2905., 2022
7. Specific interactions and environment floppiness tune protein stability under extreme crowding
M Katava, G Stirnemann, M Pachetti, S Capaccioli, A Paciaroni, F Sterpone
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(23), pp.6103-6111., 2021
6. Temperature Unmasks Allosteric Propensity in a Thermophilic Malate Dehydrogenase via
Dewetting and Collapse
M Katava, M Marchi, D Madern, M Sztucki, M Maccarini, F Sterpone
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (6), 1001-1008, 2020
5. Critical structural fluctuations of proteins upon thermal unfolding challenge the Lindemann
M Katava, G Stirnemann, M Zanatta, S Capaccioli, M Pachetti, KL Ngai, F Sterpone, A Paciaroni
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (35), 9361-9366, 2017
4. Configurational disorder of water hydrogen-bond network at the protein dynamical transition
O Rahaman, M Kalimeri, M Katava, A Paciaroni, F Sterpone
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (28), 6792-6798, 2017
3. Thermal activation of ‘allosteric-like’large-scale motions in a eukaryotic Lactate Dehydrogenase
M Katava, M Maccarini, G Villain, A Paciaroni, M Sztucki, O Ivanova, D Madern, F Sterpone
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-12, 2017
2. Stability and function at high temperature. What makes a thermophilic GTPase different from its mesophilic homologue
M Katava, M Kalimeri, G Stirnemann, F Sterpone
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (10), 2721-2730, 2016
1. Capillary assembly of microscale ellipsoidal, cuboidal, and spherical particles at interfaces
S Dasgupta, M Katava, M Faraj, T Auth, G Gompper
Langmuir 30 (40), 11873-11882, 2014